Show off your pumpkin pics and tells us about the experience.
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By jwwPhotos
These were the first ever pumpkins I have carved using zp templates. :) I think I did pretty darn good!

I could have done much better on the photos, but I was tired and too lazy to snag the tripod. So these were all hand held at 1/80th or so. Some pushed to either 3200 or 6400 ISO. It was during trick or treat and we got home late from something else we were doing that day. So there was all this rushing around to snag the candy, turn on all the decorations, carry out and light the pumpkins (it had been raining). Then found out the porch was out (the sign to parents that it is safe to visit) and in removing the screws to the silly thing, the whole thing came out of the ceiling!! We had to snag some other lighting to light up the porch a bit and stand out in the yard with the candy to let them know we were home and accepting trick or treaters! What a mess!!! Hope it goes much smoother next year!

Hope you enjoy!!



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By nosferatu
They look pretty sinister to me and I love those green and purple lights. The photos look amazingly crisp and clear. Great job!
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By Raven
Great first carves! You are now one of will be back next year!

I wish my pictures turned out that great without even really trying. Mostly my fault for not learning how to use the D200 I have and instead use my little point and shoot. I at least know how to adjust the exposure compensation on it, but that's about it. :P
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By MooBoo
They are pretty excellent for your first zp patterns, nice and clean. :D
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
jwwPhotos, you sure did do pretty darn good! And the photography is sharp, especially considering you didn't get out the tripod. Makes me wonder what sort of shots you could capture if you had the chance to give it your all.

I know what it's like to be rushing around on Halloween. Makes it hard to do a proper photo shoot. I try my best, and it usually results in me still being outside with the tripod at 3 am.

I really like the green/purple lights, by the way. A favorite color combination of mine. Fun hues for Halloween.
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By jwwPhotos
Thanks!! Really happy you like my carvings and my shots. I sure do love all your templates and your site! :)

Well... I am hoping next year I take some shots as I get them done so they are nice and fresh. Elevate the pumpkin so I don't have to be almost on the ground and actually use my tripod. That way I can shoot at quite a bit lower ISO and keep the noise down making them even more sharp and detailed. I have a ton of ideas for some shots so stay tuned!!!

Thanks again!