Show off your pumpkin pics and tells us about the experience.
Wow those shining pics are amazing! :shock: amazing work, the bar just got raised I think. Love the typewriter and all the other little details. Really awesome work this year.
Ive finished my last two carves for the year. I decided on Haunted Manor and Night Owl on my last kin. While carving the house it reminded me of the Bates residence in Psycho. So I fished out Normans mother from the basement to pose with the kin.

Im going to get a better set up and pic of both carves tomorrow, I just took this quickly tonight.
I can't compete with this. do you have a house full of movie props? :P You take some crazy awesome pictures keep up the good work.
That's very similar to something I did. I had root of all evil on as well but left the clouds out and extended the branches from the other patterns, a sort of a pumpkin triptych. The major difference is in photo quality and the fact that I don't have a corpse knocking about the place.

I love all your photos, they are inspirational and joyous. They actually make me smile because they are so cleverly thought out and look sensational. The clarity on the photos is unbelievable and the props, well, I don't know what to call you, Queen of Props ? Prop Mistress?

Do you have any more pictures to post? There must be a couple we haven't seen.