Hey, what's new with you? Tell us about yourself.
By popshed
Hello everyone,
This is my second year at ZP but my first foray into the forums. Last year I carved a couple of stencils from the site and was really impressed with the quality of the final result. I waited all year for Hallowe'en to come around again so I could take it one stage further and make my own stencil to enter in the competition.

Well I guess it's my fault for not reading the rules beforehand and instead making them up in my own head. I didn't realise that the comp was only for stencils from the ZP site. Maybe there should be two separate competitions next year. What do you think?

Anyway, I'm not a good artist, I really cannot draw to save my life so I would like to offer this tip which I used to cheat my way to my own unique stencil.

I fiddled with the settings on my digital camera and set it to take monochrome pictures. Then by repeatedly adjusting the ASA and the shutter speed I was able to take a pretty decent drawing-like picture of my dog. I then imported this into Photoshop and cleaned up the edges. I had to remove details which would be impossible to carve like spots on her nose (brown on white) but the overall result was a good likeness.
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By lynchy316
cool pics and a really clever idea (reaches for camera). :) welcome fellow brit to the forum!!
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
Yes indeed, nice work on your dog design! As for my contests, the initial idea behind that was to give people some motivation to send in their photos for the gallery. But after receiving well over 500 photos last year, it became clear that people were more than willing to share their pictures. :shock: So for future seasons, it's quite likely that I'll expand that contests to include even more creative and challenging categories too. Let me know if you have any other ideas.
By Pumpkingrower
Hello and welcome to the forum,

Nice likeness of the pup... I am thinking of commissioning the Patchmaster to do one of my wife. As a suprise for next year.
