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Re: American Horror Story

 by Shilden_72 ¦  Wed Oct 16, 2019 12:26 pm ¦  Forum: Television ¦  Topic: American Horror Story ¦  Replies: 87 ¦  Views: 11638680

What's even the point of watching AHS then? He's often carrying the whole show.
But I'll watch AHS 1984 by myself then, as I'm still to do so; right now, I'm rewatching Apocalypse, it helps relativizing when you've spent the last 5 hours simulating investments in these flats in Lisbon...

Re: Morsmordre! (The Dark Mark)

 by Shilden_72 ¦  Wed Oct 16, 2019 12:08 pm ¦  Forum: ZP Pattern Discussion ¦  Topic: Morsmordre! (The Dark Mark) ¦  Replies: 29 ¦  Views: 57888

It does look kick@ss, and the best part is that even people who aren't die hard HP fans (or who aren't even fans at all) will still find a pumpkin with that pattern cool!

Re: Morsmordre! (The Dark Mark)

 by Shilden_72 ¦  Sat Oct 12, 2019 7:51 am ¦  Forum: ZP Pattern Discussion ¦  Topic: Morsmordre! (The Dark Mark) ¦  Replies: 29 ¦  Views: 57888

Yeah, it looks like you have to work hard to deserve surch a cool looking pumpkin on your porch! But then, it means that it'll be uniquely cool, so that's a good point.

Re: So quiet.

 by Shilden_72 ¦  Sat Oct 12, 2019 7:03 am ¦  Forum: General Spooky Discussion ¦  Topic: So quiet. ¦  Replies: 22 ¦  Views: 73550

Same here, I had a lot of work to go through, and fortunately, some holidays as well. I'm not a regular user of the forum, but it's starting to be the right season to visit it!

Re: Pumpkin dream

 by Shilden_72 ¦  Sat Mar 23, 2019 1:30 pm ¦  Forum: Eerie Artwork ¦  Topic: Pumpkin dream ¦  Replies: 6 ¦  Views: 24278

Is she sitting there calmly because she's the one who carved it and she's now tired as hell? I don't know, but it makes sense to me!
Great job anyways, what software did you use for this composition?

Re: This Year's Harvest

 by Shilden_72 ¦  Sat Mar 23, 2019 1:02 pm ¦  Forum: Growing & Picking Pumpkins ¦  Topic: This Year's Harvest ¦  Replies: 13 ¦  Views: 27398

And of course, it's pumpkins, vines and other tasty and beautiful things which are hard to grow, while nettles and all of that stuff will grow through concrete if they have to, the world is unfair :fangs: But no matter how frustrated I can be at the fact I can't grow what I want how I want, congratu...

Re: Zee’s 2018

 by Shilden_72 ¦  Sat Mar 23, 2019 12:18 pm ¦  Forum: Carving Photos & Stories ¦  Topic: Zee’s 2018 ¦  Replies: 8 ¦  Views: 12461

Well, that's not just some holiday decorations, that's artwork, congrats! The characters are immediately recognisable, it sure is something that would catch the eye of anyone passing by. I'm just curious: how much time do you spend on one pumpkin, on average?

Hi from Russia

 by Shilden_72 ¦  Sat Mar 23, 2019 6:34 am ¦  Forum: Personal Life & Introductions ¦  Topic: Hi from Russia ¦  Replies: 5 ¦  Views: 23579

Hello everyone! I'm Paul, originally from Cork, Ireland, but I now live in Russia for professionnal reasons. And it turns out that no matter how I want to integrate there, I don't want to give up on what I liked "before", and this includes Halloween! Since I have young kids now (twins, aged 5), I fi...